Young Harris Scholarships for International Students is such a great chance for international students who wants to pursue their higher studies in USA. Also, YHC scholarships are offering 3 different types of scholarship opportunities. The below article will give you more information about these 3 types of scholarships available at Young Harris Colleg.  Study in USA. - have you applied at Australia Scholarships for international students

About Young Harris College:

Young Harris College is a private institute which is located in the beautiful mountains of Georgia. They strive to create an educational experience that encourages students to impact their societies. They are ready to challenge you and help you in your academic career with innovative programs. From biology to music, we have many fields of study for you.

Young Harris College is a private, liberal arts, residential, institution located in the southern Appalachian region. The Young Harris College is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and welcomes students from all backgrounds. In a continuously changing world, Young Harris College is training students in liberal arts and professional programs, serving both the world and the region and helping graduates build their careers, success and meaning.

Its slogan is "Education, Encouragement, Empowerment".

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Young Harris College US Scholarships Detail:

Country: US

Institution: Young Harris College

Degree: Undergraduate degree programs

Category: Bachelors Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships

Eligibility: International Students

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Available Majors and Fields:

There is a bundle of majors and fields that you can study at Young Harris College. Both lists containing majors and minors are given below:


  1. Accounting
  2. Art
  3. Biology
  4. Business Administration
  5. Chemistry
  6. Communication Studies
  7. Creative Writing
  8. Economics
  9. Education (Early Childhood Education P-5)
  10. Education (Middle Grades Education 4-8)
  11. English
  12. Environmental Education and Leadership
  13. Environmental Science
  14. Finance
  15. Graphic Design
  16. History
  17. Interdisciplinary Studies
  18. Management
  19. Marketing
  20. Mathematics
  21. Music
  22. Music Education with Choral Emphasis (P-12)
  23. Music Education with Instrumental Emphasis (P-12)
  24. Musical Theatre
  25. Outdoor Studies
  26. Psychology
  27. Public Policy
  28. Spanish
  29. Sport and Recreation Studies
  30. Theatre Performance
  31. Theatrical Design & Production


  1. Art
  2. Biology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Cinematic Arts
  5. Communication Studies
  6. Economics
  7. English
  8. Financial Planning
  9. History
  10. Management
  11. Mathematics
  12. Music
  13. Philosophy
  14. Physics
  15. Popular Culture
  16. Psychology
  17. Religious Studies
  18. Spanish
  19. Sport Studies
  20. Sustainability
  21. Theatre Performance
  22. Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies


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Young Harris College Scholarships:

Young Harris College Scholarships has a sole purpose that is to help the international needy students so that they can continue their higher studies at a better place. This is one of the reasons that why Young Harris College is offering US Scholarships for international students. They are giving about 3 types of scholarships for the freshmen students who want to pursue their bachelors/undergraduate degree on Bachelors scholarships in US. These 3 scholarships have their own criteria and have different amounts of scholarships reward. These scholarships are:

  1. Academic Merit
  2. Athletic
  3. Fine Arts

However, the detail of these scholarships are given below:

Academic Merit:

As its name shows, this scholarship would be given purely on a merit basis. It is available for the coming international students at Young Harris College US Scholarships. The duration of the scholarships is 4 years. The scholarship amount which would be provided under Academic Merit Scholarship is $18,000 to $23,000. Applicants should have good academic results.


These are athletic scholarships that are too available at Young Harris College Scholarship for students with athletic skills. Athletic scholarships would be offered in men's baseball, cross country, basketball, golf and soccer, and women's basketball, softball, soccer, cross country, tennis, and golf. The amount of this scholarship is not specified yet but it is sure that the athletic scholarship amount would be given based on the talents. Those students who have good skills in these sports will get a high amount as well as those students who have fewer skills in these sports will get a fewer amount of athletic scholarships.

Fine Arts:

How can Young Harris College forget fine arts students in the matter of scholarships when it is a liberal fine arts college. Music, theatre, art, and musical theatre are such fields that are eligible for Fine arts Scholarships at YHC. Such types of students would be accessed by audition or portfolio and interview. The amount of fine arts scholarships are different from academic merit scholarships. The range of fine arts scholarships is from $500 to $10,000.

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There are different deadlines for Young Harris College Scholarships. Deadlines are different for Fall and Spring admission. For fall admission, the deadline is June 15, and for Spring admission, the deadline is October 15

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Applicants should have a High school certificate to apply for bachelors degree program
  2. The academic results of the applicants should be excellent
  3. Applicants must have to apply for admission in bachelors degree at Young Harris College Scholarship.
  4. Applicants should have the spirit to work for the home and host country
  5. Applicants should have good leadership skills
  6. Applicant' communication skills should be best
  7. Applicants should be agreed to return to their home country after completion of study
  8. Applicants belonging to any part of the world are eligible to apply Young Harris College US Scholarships

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Required Documents for Applying:

  1. International Application Form
  2. Prove of English Language Proficiency
  3. IELTS or TOFEL test
  4. Academic transcripts

How to apply for Young Harris College US Scholarships:

If you want to apply for Young Harris College US Scholarships: then you have to start your application form HERE. Remember one thing, that you have to fill your application form correctly. Kindly give all of your information correct. Any incorrect or misleading information will lead to rejecting your application. Also, you have to apply for the deadline after the deadline the application would also be rejected.

Contact Information:

Kelsey Gillette
International Admissions Counselor
Young Harris College
P.O. Box 116
Young Harris, GA 30582 USA
(706) 379-5379
Fax: (706) 379-3108

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